




Student research

Harvard University

Student research

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Student research

Columbia University

Student research

Princeton University

Student research

University of Oxford


一流大学で目立つ: ユニークで卓越した成果を持つ生徒は、トップレベルの大学から高く評価されています。




国際会議で研究結果を発表: 当校の生徒は、国際会議で研究成果を発表する機会があり、幅広い学術コミュニティへの露出による貴重な経験を積む機会があります。


専門の研究メンターと緊密に協力: 当校の研究プログラムに参加すると、研究プロセス全体にわたり指導やサポート、フィードバックを提供できる専門の研究メンターと緊密な協力を得られる機会があります。


データ収集と分析の直接的な経験を積む: 研究活動を通じてデータ収集や分析の経験を積み上げていきます。これは多くの学術的および職業的な場で活用できる重要なスキルです。

自分の 研究プロジェクトを立ち上げよう









Evolution Through Art: Biomimesis in EcoLogicStudio’s H.O.R.T.U.S. Series

Caryn Ohki

The Impact of Rapid State Policy Response on Cumulative Deaths Caused by COVID-19

Takuto Nakamura

End-to-end Classification of Ballroom Dancing Music Using Machine Learning

Noémie Voss

Comparative Analysis of IMUs and Motion Detecting Technology for Measuring Patients’ Lumbar and Cervical Spines’ Range of Motion

David Bass

Text Classification Based on Machine Learning: Quantifying the Sentiment of Online Reviews

Shreya Subramaniam

Authorship Attribution of 50 Victorian Era Novelists with Convolutional Neural Networks

Kei Yamashita



プログラム名 モジュール 週間 時間/週 アウトプット
R101 10-22 週間 1-2時間 短いIYRC論文/調査論文とプレゼンテーション
R201 9-12 か月 1.5-2時間 IYRC論文/調査論文とプレゼンテーション
R301 9-12 か月 1.5-2時間 IYRC論文/調査論文とプレゼンテーション/競争力のある学術会議で発表のチャンス
R101+R201 12-16 か月 1.5-2時間 IYRC論文/調査論文とプレゼンテーション/複雑なトピックの探求
R101+R301 12-16 か月 1.5-2時間 IYRC論文/調査論文とプレゼンテーション/競争力のある学術会議で発表のチャンス(高い確率)



生徒 メンター 出版物 コンファレンス 年度 合格大学
Kubota, R. Deriam Chirinos Marketing Regimes and its Stimulus to Impulsive Consumers Spending International Young Researchers' Conference 2022 University of California San Diego
Nishimura, J. Roman Robles Assessing Japan’s Tama River Health Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Physico-Chemical Properties as Indicators of Water Quality International Young Researchers' Conference 2022 Brown University
Kinoshita, K. Sam Mortimer Translating gender: using anime to explore the influence of gender norms in Greco-Roman mythology on contemporary Japanese society International Young Researchers' Conference 2022 Boarding School
Hagerty, S. Neil Nguyen Impact of Piracy on the Anime Industry in the United States International Young Researchers' Conference 2022 Harvard
Goldstein, T. Analytics in Sumo Wrestling International Young Researchers' Conference 2022 Dartmouth College
Engen, R. Tyler Kusunoki Attracting Talent in the Biotechnology Industry International Young Researchers' Conference 2022
Kobayashi, N. Elizabeth Feldeverd Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase (PAL1) Expression During Cold Stress in Two Japanese Tomato varieties International Young Researchers' Conference 2021 Boarding School
Hayashi, M. Elizabeth Feldeverd Expression Analysis of glucan synthase in edible mushrooms Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus eryngii and their potential for wound-healing applications International Young Researchers' Conference 2021 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Tanaka, E. Elizabeth Feldeverd Japanese student movements of the 1960s and their modern counterparts: comparing Zenkyoto and SEALDs. International Young Researchers' Conference 2021 Northeastern University
Abe, Y. Elizabeth Feldeverd Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Representations of Japanese American History at Rye Country Day School International Young Researchers' Conference 2021 University of Chicago
Star, N. Elizabeth Feldeverd Evaluating candidate IRAP inhibitors in Ginkgo biloba extract and their potential for cognitive enhancement International Young Researchers' Conference 2021
Takahashi, R. Elizabeth Feldeverd The role and significance of Instagram on the lives of Menstruators International Young Researchers' Conference 2021
Yamanaka, P. Hayden Mueller S-BRATA and Japan: A Novel Art Therapy Framework for the Treatment of ASD and Comorbid SID International Young Researchers' Conference 2021
Slattery, K. Elizabeth Feldeverd Exploring the Flexural Strain, Deflection, and Relative Strength of 3D Printed Japanese Joinery for Future Structural Applications International Young Researchers' Conference 2021 Princeton
O'Shea, K. Elizabeth Feldeverd Characterization of lupeol, linalool, and squalene synthase expression within floral, leaf, and seed tissues of Camellia japonica and Camellia sasanqua International Young Researchers' Conference 2021 University of Richmond
Yorulmaz, K. Utilising Level Design Artifacts to Maximise Fun International Young Researchers' Conference 2021 NYU
Bailey, L. Phong Nguyen Stroke comparison between professional tennis players and amateur players using advanced computer vision icSports 2020 Princeton
Murakami-Moses, M. Elizabeth Feldeverd Analysis of machine learning models predicting basketball shot success International Young Researchers' Conference 2020 Duke
Hagerty, W. Matin Khadem Educational Exchange Programs’ Impact on Foreign Direct Investment International Young Researchers' Conference 2020 Harvard
Xiang, Z. Hieu Nguyen PyITA: A Taylor Expansion-Based Data Augmentation Program for ANN Potentials Applied to TiO 2 International Young Researchers' Conference 2020 Stanford
Subramaniam, S. Sara Finding Nutritious Alternatives to Ingredients in Recipes Using Machine Learning International Young Researchers' Conference 2020
Ohki, C. Elizabeth Feldeverd Evolution Through Art: Biomimesis in EcoLogicStudio’s H.O.R.T.U.S. Series International Young Researchers' Conference 2020 Boarding School
Nozaki, K. Identification of Fusarium in Gerbera using Augmented Ruthenium Red Based Biosensor International Young Researchers' Conference 2020 Northwestern University
Nishi, M. Elizabeth Feldeverd Comparative Analysis of Alveolar Bone Resorption Between Male and Female Patient International Young Researchers' Conference 2020
Namba, Y. Hayden Mueller Photography as an Elegy: Solitude and Isolation International Young Researchers' Conference 2020 Imperial College London
Nakamura, T. Matin Khadem The Impact of Rapid State Policy Response on Cumulative Deaths Caused by COVID-19 International Young Researchers' Conference 2020
Nakajima, M. Elizabeth Feldeverd Effects of CYP2D6*10 Mutation on Binding Affinity on Common Antidepressants in Japan International Young Researchers' Conference 2020 Carnegie Mellon University
Li-Kato, B. Melissa Sarmiento Pandemics, Surgical Masks, and Japanese Collectivism International Young Researchers' Conference 2020 Boarding School
Fukuda, K. Elizabeth Feldeverd Education in Context: Examining Attitudes Toward Sexual Assault in Japan and Developing an Educational Tool for High School Students International Young Researchers' Conference 2020 Williams College
Voss, N. Phong Nguyen End-to-end classification of ballroom dancing music using machine learning Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research 2019 Oxford
Subramaniam, S. Thien Phan Text classification based on machine learning: quantifying the sentiment of online reviews International Young Researchers' Conference 2019 Northeastern
Yamashita, K. James Borg Authorship attribution of 50 victorian era novelists with convulutional neural networks International Young Researchers' Conference 2019 Waseda
Bass, D. Abbi Hamed Comparative analysis of IMUs and motion detecting technology for measuring patents' lumbar and cervical spines' range of motion International Young Researchers' Conference 2019 Univ North Carolina
Voss, N., Nguyen, P. Phong Nguyen End-to-end classification of ballroom dancing music using machine learning International Young Researchers' Conference 2019 Oxford
Howe, A. Phong Nguyen SAT® reading analysis using eye-gaze tracking technology and machine learning Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2018 Chicago
Kurosu, K. Taiga Tase Acquisition of formal and informal political power in the united states and japan International Young Researchers' Conference 2018 Tokyo University
Fukuda, A. Robin Garhwal Investigation of sleep quality parameters to improve cognitive performance in classroom tests Vietnam Japan Scientific Exchange 2017 Tufts
Crow, G, Blagg, A., Balin, E. Phong Nguyen Using facial recognition technology in smart attendance application Vietnam Japan Scientific Exchange 2017 UC Berkeley
Howe, A. Phong Nguyen Open source software for analysis and correlation of reading patterns with superior SAT® scores using gaze-tracking device Vietnam Japan Scientific Exchange 2017 Chicago
Cross, T. Aneesh Chand An open source software for post-match spatio-temporal performance analysis of soccer players International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Innovation 2017 Chicago

Evolution Through Art: Biomimesis in EcoLogicStudio’s H.O.R.T.U.S. Series

Caryn Ohki

The Impact of Rapid State Policy Response on Cumulative Deaths Caused by COVID-19

Takuto Nakamura

End-to-end Classification of Ballroom Dancing Music Using Machine Learning

Noémie Voss

Comparative Analysis of IMUs and Motion Detecting Technology for Measuring Patients’ Lumbar and Cervical Spines’ Range of Motion

David Bass

Text Classification Based on Machine Learning: Quantifying the Sentiment of Online Reviews

Shreya Subramaniam

Authorship Attribution of 50 Victorian Era Novelists with Convolutional Neural Networks

Kei Yamashita


